Sunday, July 24, 2011


You probably didn't know that :

I sometimes make mental plans in case of alien or al-Qaeda invasion. I can't give you the specifics (in case you are "compromised") but it does include my stock in the pantry. I don't really worry about alien invasion but I do worry about terrorists. I know my first action (besides collecting the mhs) is filling the bath tubs with water. Then, I would get all the can goods together and we would hit the road. I can't tell you where but it's a pretty good place. If the roads somehow were unpassable, we could walk where we are going. It might take a while, but we would get there.

Pesto is my new favorite condiment but I'm not sure if it's supposed to be used as a condiment

I still like Sarah Palin

I do not like the ocean or sand but I love laying on the beach

Sixteen Candles was my favorite movie since I was 5. It still is. Does that mean I have some maturing to do?

I ALWAYS freak out the day before I have to take a test. For some reason I always predict that I will do terribly. (This is because I never do any type of preparation for exams). I just took the Praxis for my new certification. I paid $120 to take the test and I didn't study at all. The night before the test I freaked out and just "knew" that I wasn't going to pass it. Once I get to the test and they say, "Begin" it's like a switch comes on in my brain and all the anxiety is gone. So, I don't consider a person that has test anxiety, I am a person that has anxiety from not being prepared. I will get the results in 4 weeks. I have no idea how I did. I knew the stuff, but it was all essay and who's to say that whoever is reading my answers agrees with my thinking or writing style.

I am super pumped to get back to work. I am so blessed to have a job I love.

I call my daycare every once in a while just to check on the girls. I am freaked out thinking that I won't be able to do that for mh1 at her new school anymore. Before I know it, she'll be in middle school and high school. Crazy

I read an article that a friend suggested and it made me think of how many times a day people will stop me (when I am with the girls by myself) and say, "Wow, you've got your hands full." As if they feel sorry for me. I don't really get it, because it's not like they misbehave very often (in public at least). A man the other day said, "Look at all those helpers you have." That was so much more kind for the girls to hear. I don't want them to ever think they are a burden to me.

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