Friday, July 22, 2011

Be nice to you

I just finished reading this blog article. I LOVED it! It was so right on. A lot of women I know are always working on losing weight or getting in shape. If they somehow fail it is because they didn't not have the one essential component necessary for their journey. Believing in themselves. My friend Amber gained a few pounds over a few months. She was telling me how disgusting she was and how gross she was and blah, blah, blah. I asked her if she would ever say anything like that about me (being gross and disgusting, fat or ugly). Of course she wouldn't because she loves me. Why then, is it so easy to talk to ourselves in that way? Why is it ok for me to call my arms "bat wing arms" when I would never say anything like that to anyone else out of fear of hurting them???

So, ladies (and gents) it's time to STOP the negative talk! It's time to get out of the shower and get dressed without criticizing various flaws that make us all so different and special.

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