Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!

This week has been one of those weeks that I don't ever want to forget but I am so glad it is over. I am 1/2 way through my vacation and it feels like I haven't been off at all. I have been stressed, nervous, over worked, tired...but I have also spent time with the mini-humans and that makes it all worth it.

Today started off at 7:30am. I made breakfast, got everyone dressed, and we headed to the YMCA. I worked out and we drove to my grandmother's and picked her up to take her to get my grandpa's gift. I went in to purchase a TV for her from Toys R Us. I made her stay in the car with the mini-humans so that I didn't have to hit any of them in public (them includes my grandmother). Have you ever been to Toys R Us on Christmas Eve? I imagine it would be something similar to a war zone (people crying, screaming, running, etc.). Did I mention that I also spanked mh2 in front of 2 people at the YMCA ? I am still waiting on my visit from CPS. I hope they don't take her (please do!). I digress. After the war we dropped off my grandmother, came home, the heathens, I mean children ate lunch and then I laid them down for their naps. While they were sleeping (or laying in bed, quietly plotting the best ways to drive me crazy) I made 2 desserts and chicken & dumplings. After nap, everyone got a shower, then we went to church (mh2 needs more than church). The weirdest thing happened while we were there. Everytime they mentioned the name "Jesus" (I'm not sure why I just put Jesus in quotations), mh3 made this weird growling noise (they mentioned the name Jesus a lot, so imagine me with a growling 10 month old during church, it got a little ridiculous). I started to get concerned. What if she was doing that because she is a demon spawn and everytime she hears that name it causes her to growl? I hope not- I can barely deal with smart mouths, much less demon possesion. So, after church we came home and I made dinner for TLB's Dad, and Brother (I also allowed the children to eat). We exchanged gifts (TLB and I got a gift card to Olive Garden and the movies...night out!!). The girls got really cool bikes that they were only slightly excited about. They have too much stuff, but that is a whole different post for a later date. We made reindeer cookies, wrote a "Thank You" to Santa and finally bed time got here! I got all the presents under the tree, stuffed stockings, poured a glass of wine and am now watching It's A Wonderful Life. It really is A Wonderful Life.

Have a wonderful Christmas. I hope that everyone feels as good about their blessings as I do.

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