Friday, July 2, 2010

If I was rich

I would...
1. pay off my house
2. pay off my student loans
3. pay off my car
4. get a live-in nanny to help care for the mini-humans (preferrably a lesbian so that she wouldn't be attracted to my hot husband...but wait then she might be attracted to me...I need to move this to #1)
5. get a pedicure every week
6. get a massage twice a month
7. get a boob lift
8. buy all new workout clothes and be a snob about it...only wear Under Armour
9. have someone paint every room in my house
10. give one of my friends the money she needs for her adoption
11. go on vacation

But these are all monetary things. This is what I have already been blessed with...
1. a house
2. a car
3. a good job that was aquired via higher learning paid for with aforementioned student loans
4. excellent childcare that provides me the opportunity to go to a job I LOVE
5. pedicures a few times a year
6. don't have a come back for this one
7. a healthy body that produces milk to feed my babies
8. plenty of workout clothes that were given to me
9. enough space for all of my family
10. friends
11. summer breaks off from work
12. the best husband, sister, daughters, dad, stepmom, grandparents in the world
13. the internet
14. food in the house
15. good healthcare
16. nike flip flops
17. heart rate monitor
18. my dogs (even the dumb one)
19. good books
20. my assistants
21. a lot more stuff that I can't think of

I am a blessed girl and I need to take more time to count those blessings. We spend a lot of time worrying about what we don't have instead of what we do have. Life is too short to worry about things that are out of my control. I need to start focusing on the positives and move forward.

1 comment:

  1. You are a very smart girl. You should always strive for more, but be content with what you have. Material possesions can be gone tomorrow, but the rest stays forever.
