Wednesday, December 26, 2012


My vacation started on Friday the 21st.  I spent part of that day at the doctor's office getting my yearly exam.  Most women dread this experience, I, on the other hand, love the peace and quiet of the Dr.'s office. I can't take my kids with me so I can take my Nook.  I sit in the waiting room and read, I socialize with the office staff, and they laugh at me for enjoying my time alone (at the gynecologist).  After that, I went and got my nails done (more time alone)...then it all begins:
Friday:  Drive to Oldham Co. and spend time with my mom's family
Saturday:  Drive to Lodiburg, KY (1 hr 20 min. away) and spend the day with The Ex's family
Sunday:  1:00, take the girls to see the other side of The Ex's family while he is at the fire house, then be back at my house by 4:00 to celebrate with my mom, sister and nieces
Monday:  Make dinner and have The Ex's dad, brother, and brother's girlfriend and son over to celebrate
Tuesday:  Wake up and see what Santa brought, go to Dad's house for breakfast (very different from previous years, a bit somber), go back to my house and prepare to have my Dad's family over

WOW!  Busy, busy, busy!   Though it was NONstop for 5 day and I was SO tired by last night (tired in the way where I was sensitive to every comment that The Ex made, tired like when I got teared up while washing dishes and putting things away) I KNOW how VERY blessed I am to have that much family to spend time with over the holidays.  There are some people that have strained relationships with their family, have no family, or are overseas and cannot see their family.  I am so very lucky to be able to run around like a crazy person and/or entertain at my house.

I got some very nice gifts this year, my favorite gift is either my new DVD Lawless that The Ex bought me, or the marble jewelry box that my uncle made for me by hand.

My Dad bought me some Birkenstocks (they're purple) that I have been wanting since my stepmom bought them for him two years ago.  I also got a men's watch that is huge and manly and I love it.  The Birkenstocks combined with the oversized men's watch prompted my Dad to call me a lesbian.  That's family love on Christmas!

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