Monday, June 27, 2011

Are all families as crazy as mine?

How many of you all can go to your grandmother's funeral and be privy to see your cousins cussing each other out? Well, I didn't actually get to "see" it (I was busy mourning the loss of one of the best women in the world) but I heard about it. Thing is...I love everyone is my family but I do wish they could all get along (in my Rodney King voice).

Onto a different thought in this busy brain of mine...My cousin and I were talking about how you have to be careful about who you are talking about on your blog. He made the suggestion of blogging anonymously. Funny thing about that for me is; I'm too narcissistic for that. Why would I write if I knew that no one knew who I was?

New thought: Who is watching Falling Skies? Anyone? I'm getting ready to start watching it with a big 'ol bowl of ice cream. I am also all alone (mini humans and lawn boy in bed). Ice cream and peace...I'll feel like I'm on vacation.

New thought: I don't want to live to be 97-years-old unless I am of sound mind & body. And, sound mind translates to being relative to how sound my mind really is now. Dude, I'm pretty coo-koo for cocoa puffs now, imagine how crazy I'll be in about 60 years.

New thought- no injuries were sustained in the canoe trip on Saturday. Though, TLB, proceeded to climb a ridiculously tall tree and swing from a rope into the water. See that picture? I obviously didn't marry him for his brains.

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