Thursday, February 24, 2011

It's already been a year

About a year ago I posted the following status update on Facebook, "The moon is full and so is my uterus." A few days later, mh3 entered the world. She has been nothing but a good time for all of us. I have noticed that I have been feeling a little wacky the last week or so, and I really think it's because I am dreading the dat that my baby girl turns one. What am I going to do without that lovey angel hanging off my hip? She is going to grow up and have a smart mouth like the rest of them, and it's going to happen in no time. What if I have to spank her? I am so scared I am going to turn into one of those mothers that babies their baby forever and then they turn into big losers. You know those youngest kids that quit highschool and smoke pot all day, and then they live in your basement and stay up all night playing video games. You know the ones that bum money from their parents for cigarettes and McDonald's (when they're 25). Dude- this is totally going to be me and mh3. Everyone has seen those teenagers that are like, "F You, Mom! I hate you!" and then the mom is like, "Oh you better be quiet" instead of busting a fist upside their head....I don't think TLB will allow that but I totally get it.

Anywho, I am so happy to have that baby girl in my life. She completes us (unless their is some little baby boy around town that is trying to get in here) for the following reasons:
-her bald head is perfectly round and precious
-the way she gets excited and says, "Hi!"
-she LOVES Pisces and calls her "Dada"
-everything that her sisters do makes her laugh
-that fact that she has mh1's body and mh2's head
-she loves her Mama
-her open mouthed kisses that I can't get enough of!
-how she likes to smack me in the face to hear me say, "ow" over and over
-how she still likes to be worn on me in the Moby
-how she blows raspberries and drools all over the place
-how much both of her big sisters enjoy her and love to take care of her

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