Friday, March 4, 2011

American Idols

For the record, I think the show is ridiculous and has lost all credibility. I mean, what is a reality show without the insightful, meaningful judgement of Paula Abdul? Anyway, I don't "love" the show but I do tolerate it for the sake of .....TLB. How many of you have husbands that DVR American Idol and never miss an episode??? Oh, I do. So, I sit on the computer working on meaninful projects like, Facebook, while TLB sits around with the little girls and judges 20-year-old up and coming singers. His sexual orientation is in question. (I did hear him just ask the girls if they thought he could be a singer on the show, poor guy).

TLB did definitely hold down the fort this week. 40% (33% if you are counting the dog) of our household came down with the flu this week. TLB stayed home all day with them (everyday this week) and I think he came close to a nervous break down at one point. He survived and the girls are almost fully recovered. If we get another sickness in this house anytime soon, I am going to burn the carpets, throw out every mattress and make the children sleep on plastic, I am going to use only disposable dishes and utensils, isn't bleach a disinfectant? I am going to make them drink a teaspoon a day (just kidding CPS) and I am going to quarantine the children in separate rooms until they are at least 13. Seriously, I might not even let them talk to eachother to avoid cross-contamination.

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