Monday, January 17, 2011

Deep Thoughts...

Not really. More like random thoughts:

-Why do dogs like to eat dirty diapers? I have considered discontinuing the purchase of dog food and just start feeding the dog the baby's poo. She seems to enjoy that much more.

-Why is mh2 smart enough to know that I won't beat her in front of the pediatrician (she really did full out throw herself on the floor while mh3 was being examined by the dr. ) but she isn't smart enough to know that I'll beat her when we get home (just kidding, don't call CPS)

-"Jar of Hearts" by Christina Perri is my favorite song right now

-The best role that Brad Pitt ever played was in 12 Monkeys.

-I talked to a hooker (for real) on Saturday night and actually sung along to a Jackson 5 jam with her. I didn't get a chance to really talk to her, but I will pray for her.

-Why is it that even though I pretty much know what I am doing with my life, I still wonder when I am going to figure out what it is that God wants me to do.

-My mother is having lap band surgery today. If that is not motivation for me to get to the Y today, I don't know what is.

-Texting is limiting the ability for teenagers to learn essential personal communication skills.

-I want a tatoo that can somehow represent 8 different people that are in or were in my life. Any ideas? I'm going to get it on my neck. Just kidding, I probably will never get one, but I like to think about them.

-On Saturday I went out with friends that I have had since I was about 14. I wish we had a picture to compare what we looked like then, to the one from Saturday. I don't think we look too bad for our age!!


  1. I like the title deep thoughts with the first thought about dog poop. As far as what God wants you to do....he wants you to get ready to move overseas with me! Didn't he tell you that yet??

  2. third from left is 2nd prettiest , just saying.

  3. Hey Conni! I found your blog through facebook. We have a blog too. I love your random thoughts on your blog... esp. "why does our kids know we won't beat them in front of the Ped. Dr..." or in my case, in a store!! Ha! =) I will have to follow you...
