Some people turn 30 and realize that they are no longer 21. I was one of the lucky ones that didn't care that I was 30- Somehow I forgot that I used to be able to do/have the following things:
-perky breasts
-the ability to drink a ridiculous amount of alcohol and work the next day (not that I want to do that now, I just get amazed that I was ever able to do it)
-tanned legs 365 days a year
-the ability to walk in 4in. hills for hours at a time
-the freedom to lay around the house for 12 hours without changing a diaper, feeding another person, or breaking up a fight
-no money but no bills
-the abs that allowed me to wear bare midriffs (yeah I was one of "those girls")
-a job at The Body Shop to allow me to have enough clothes that I never wore the same thing twice (be warned the dress that I wore to a wedding on the 14th will be delightfully repeated on June 4 at a different wedding)
The "things" that I have gained since 21:
-3 mini humans
-my niece
-a dog
-an awesome job
-the completion of college
-too many awesome things to list
Now for the PSA...I realize that I am one of the lucky ones that is blessed with plenty to be thankful for. I realize that some girls my age weren't so lucky to find a good man. This does not mean you ladies should run around town trying to relive your 20s with someone else's man. You are 30 now. You are grown. You should be like me and find pleasure in poopy diapers, snotty noses, and daycare payments. ***Let me also note that no one has been sniffing around my man (that I know of).
Now, that I am thinking about girls trying to get with other people's men, I am thinking about Sister Wives. In all honesty I get it. Who wouldn't want to share the day to day responsiblities with someone else? Dude, I would so share a house with another woman if she would take care of the following chores that I hate:
-cleaning the front of the cabinets doors
-dusting fans
-dusting air vents
-putting away landry (I can wash, dry, and fold it if she will put it away
-vacuuming base boards
-making lunch for the week (can I get a sister wife that will pack my lunch?)
-changing the sheets and washing them
-pluck my eyebrows
-windex the mirrors
The only problem is that I am not willing to share my man. He's mine. Plus, I think that the emotions that I exhibit are all that he can handle. Adding another woman for him to deal with might drive him over the edge. I say that, but then God gave him 3 more women to take care of.