Thoughts in the moment
- I stayed up late watching Real World and a documentary on sex trafficking. Also, the new season of Hell on Wheels started. I need to quit watching so much TV. I wish that I could just cancel cable but The Ex likes watching Football too much.'s
- Speaking of technology. I suspended my Facebook account. The amount of personal information that people are willing to part with is disturbing. Don't get me wrong, Facebook has always been this way, but the line got drawn this weekend. I saw someone I haven't seen in years and they knew some business about someone very close to me- from Facebook. Even more disgusting is the person that they knew info about doesn't even have a Facebook account. Plus, people are just annoying on there. If I see one more chick take a picture of herself, I might puke. If I read one more liar's pathetic attempt at making me believe they are a good/happy person, I might puke again. I should not feel like this from "entertainment", so I just went to the root of it and suspended my account. I will miss the sane people that I got to keep up with, but one day I will be back on there (Hey Jenny! I hope you're reading)
- I am reading 1Q84. It is an ok book. It's very long but the story is building and I am vaguely interested in what's going on so I'm staying with it.
- During a training/meeting at work today (me and meetings don't go too well, you can read about that here) I was reading a really "important" message from somebody "important" and the message basically conveyed how as teachers we need to be more aware of the shift of representation in our schools of nonwhite students, blah, blah, blah, and all I could focus on was the word "paradigm" and how much I love that word. The problem is, I like to pronounce it " para-dig-ah-me". I am afraid that one day I will be speaking in front of a crowd (like when I am governor or something) and I'll say "para-dig-ah-me" instead of "para-dime". Politicians have a lot to think about.
- I worry that because I said, "blah, blah, blah" while explaining my thoughts above that my opponents (in my future political race) will dig this up as a race issue and use it against me.
- I didn't win the lottery last night.
- Today after the meeting we played dodgeball. That's right, a bunch of teachers got together and tried to kill eachother. I got put out by the art teacher.
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