Saturday, May 19, 2012

It's been a while

I haven't had much to write about lately.  But after the morning that I've had I figured I would give you a few laughs at my expense. 
First things first, The Ex is official (like a referee with a whistle).  He passed his EMT exams and went to his first union meeting at the fire house.  I am very proud of him and I know he's going to be an awesome fire fighter.
It is 9:19.  I have been out of bed for 1 hour and 19 min.  In that time I have stripped my bedsheets, washed a load of clothes, cooked 3 eggs, poured 3 bowls of cereal, drank 4 cups of coffee and whooped 1 butt.  I hate spanking behinds so early in the morning (I prefer the afternoons).  Anywho, a nice beat down and a sugar filled bowl of cereal seemed to do the trick.  Mh2 is back to being sweet and funny.
In about 9 minutes the four of us will head to the Y so that I can go to Boot Camp.  This class is truly punishment.  I've been going to Boot Camp every (I've missed some but mostly every) Saturday for 2 years with the same instructor.  She was fabulous.  Recently they have hired a guy that recently got out of the Army and who is getting ready to start work as a police office in our city.  He gives a good workout but I don't particularly enjoy it.  I don't know why I continue to go when I don't really like it. 
I've got more to say about country music later, but I have to go now. 

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