Saturday, August 6, 2011

Lacking in that department

As a teacher, if you could only have one good quality, it should probably be organization. Anyone that knows me, knows that this is something I do not have. Everything from my refrigerator, hard drive, make up drawer, CLOSET, purse, car get the point. One of my favorite bloggers dedicated an entire post to her closet and how it is organized. For real? I don't get it. There are so many things that I would rather do than organize my closet. Things like...sit on the couch. Every once in a blue moon (like every 3 or so years) I get a wild hair and clean out my closet. The organization only lasts about 1 day (I'm serious) so I don't see the point. I only organize when I find it difficult to find things. Plus, I have kids that literally walk behind me as I am putting things in their place, just to pull something else out and throw it in a place it doesn't belong. So, this blogger makes my skin crawl. It doesn't make me feel any better to have a clean closet vs. having a dirty closet so I totally don't understand you annoying people that are like, "How is your pantry, drawer, car, purse, desk, entertainment ctr. like that? That would drive me crazy!" Oh shut up, I have a book to read or Big Brother to watch.

1 comment:

  1. Oh thank you! My car is a never endning pile of crap...books, school crap, car seat & kid stuff even though I don't have kids :) sometimes I think I could be a hoarder limited to my thanks, it makes me not SO paranoid of my mobile junk yard.
