Monday, November 15, 2010

Call 911

After work today I pulled into the driveway with a bit of hesitation. Anyone with small children can understand my apprehension. I have 4 children that are ages 31 and under. Ooops, I mean I have 3 children that are ages 4 and under and a husband. Anywho, on any given day I can walk into a nice, parent friendly, loving house. Also, on any given day I can walk into a dirty, hunger stricken, mean, battlefield. The mh's have the ability to create these environments (good or bad). You know how super heros have special powers, well that is there special power. So, I pull in the driveway, take several deep breaths, and check to make sure my weapon is loaded and the safety is off. I get out of the car and instantly I hear a screaming baby sound coming from the front window. Guess which day we were having? I walk around to the back of the car to get the groceries that I just purchased (it really is annoying that I am required by law to feed them...wouldn't starvation be the most effective punishment? (bad joke- I apologize to those of you who were neglected and malnurished as children-not really)) Did you like how I used so many parenthesis? These are the times that I understand why mh2 is possibly ADHD. Ok, back to the story. I am going to need you to really visualize this scene. I look up from the trunk only to see mh2 with her face pressed against the front window, looking at me from the inside of the house. Along with mh2 stands TLB, holding mh3 in one hand. In the other hand he was holding an magna doodle which he had written the following message to me... "HELP".


  1. hahahahahahahahahahhahshshhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahaah *breathe* ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

  2. Were they seeking "HELP" from you, or for you? The reason I am asking is, I know those babies. They are darn near perfect in everyway. You on the other hand...
