Thursday, June 17, 2010

code switching

is using different language or dialect according to the group that you are around. I had an interesting discussion today about how important it is to be able to code switch. I knew that I had the ability because I talk differently according to who I am around. For instance, if I poured a bowl of cereal and reached into the fridge for milk, only to realize there is none left, this is how I would react if the following people were around....
-the girls, "Do you guys know who drank mommy's milk (and I'm not talking about Seren Jo)?"
-my boss, "Mrs. Whitely, I'm am hoping you know who drank the milk, if not, I'll take care of it ASAP."
-Jason- "Why the f*** didn't you buy more milk?"
- my bff, "B****, did you drank all the milk?"

Point being, if we don't know how to code switch, we aren't successful people. So interesting.

1 comment:

  1. I catch myself doing this a lot. Btw you need some pics on your blog :)
