Saturday, March 9, 2013


  • What I look forward to the most on days that I am off work is waking up, getting a cup of coffee and going back to my bed.  Sometimes children put a damper on this activity.  They see you sneak past them headed for the coffee pot (why don't I have one in my bedroom) and start demanding things.  Like, "We're hungry!"  "When's Daddy going to be home?"  "What are we going to do today?"  What's awesome is that they are getting to the point where I can pour some dry cereal in a bowl and let them eat in front of the TV.  They think this is a big treat!  Stupid little girls.  The moral of the story is, feed your children good breakfasts at the table (regularly) so that on days when you don't feel like it, you can give them a bowl of sugar and let them sit in front of the TV and they think it's something special while you lay your lazy @ss in the bed.

  • Right now I am reading Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?  This book is hilarious but that's not why I love it.  I love it because Mindy Kaling is my long lost best friend (I would have said sister except that she's Indian and I'm white bread and we look nothing alike).  She describes her experience in high school and explains how the jerks that were all popular end up burning out too early and she's all successful and they like work at Walmart or something.  I started thinking about my own experience in high school.  High school is full of insecure little people who think they are grown.  I remember I would crush on these boys that were a year older than me and think that I never would have had a chance, now I know they were probably thinking the same thing.  They walked around like they didn't have a care in the world or notice anyone yet I probably pretended the same!  My best advice to high kids around 18:  get after it.   Don't be nervous be excited, go to away to college, don't have a long term boyfriend/girlfriend, don't major in Women's Lib (that's stupid).  I don't want my daughters wasting their time or feelings on other kids but I know it's inevitable.  When you are in high school you think it's the end all be all.  Try to remember there is a lot of life left to live.

  • FYI...I've got a hard working man.  The Ex got off at the Fire House to go straight to do some landscaping work this morning.  That's impressive.  

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