Friday, December 21, 2012

Old stuff

I was looking through some of my old posts and came across several posts that I started but never published. If you are interested here is some of the random crap I was thinking at various times but never finished or shared (when I read this stuff, it's like reading something someone else wrote- I don't remember writing any of it)...

"My reasons" dated 11/8/12

I have seen two comments about republicans in the last two days that I must address.
  1. "Always been fascinated that in any state, counties with big cities or institutions of higher learning, vote democrat".
  2. "I'm a democrat that voted for Obama, I don't receive welfare and I do pay taxes, and pay for my kids healthcare (no medical card). But according to every republican I know, my entire party is a bunch of welfare sucking, tax evading, abortion having, entitlement seekers. 
    I advise you all not to be so hypocritical and definitely don't entire group based on a little bit of information.  
    I understand that not all democrats (and this was all I wrote)

"This Week" dated 10/19/12
I got the urge to write but I don't really have much to talk about.  So, I'll just blab about random things.  

As the election gets closer I get more and more angry.  I start thinking about what is going on in the world and it makes me wonder why I was so lucky to be born as an American.  I know that I am privileged and I also know that I have no idea how privileged I am.  
If you had to pick the person you were voting for based on only one topic, what is the most important topic to you?  The most important issue for me is foreign policy.  That alone is enough for my vote.  
My aunt got the girls a slushy maker.  How many times do you think I have heard, "Can we make a slushy?" Probably only 283 times since Wednesday.  It makes me want to take a hammer to the children slushy machine.
I can't wait for basketball season to start!  

"This is not about you" dated 9/12/12

Most of you do not know this, but I have kept a handwritten journal since March of 1991.  I wrote in it mostly only when I was sad.  Over the past 2 years I have plugged away at this blog.  It is fun for ME.  It allows ME to vent.  It allows ME to laugh at myself.  It allows ME to laugh at the world.  It allows ME to journal and talk about the things that make ME happy or unhappy.  My handwritten journal is a pity party that I have never shared with anyone EVER.  This all being said, this blog is not about you, it is about ME. 
If you ever find this site offensive, annoying, upsetting, or disturbing (actually I am disturbed by some of the things in my life- so scratch that one), I got a real quick fix for you- quit reading it!  This is why I got off Facebook.  It wasn't your problem that I was irritated everytime I logged on, it was mine, because I logged on!
If you would like to talk to ME about what you find annoying, upsetting, or disturbing, by all means address it.  I don't think that anyone who knows me will argue that I am difficult to approach.  I can be considered abrasive, but I also like to get along. 
On to more fun things...I watch Lawless this weekend.  You should see it.  I (heart) Tom Hardy.  I think I am going to have to break up with David Beckham, he gets a little too jealous and Tommy

"So Boring" Dated 9/9/12  (this one made me laugh)

I try to think of things to write about besides my kids, but while I am trying to think about it I life is consumed by them so of course that's all I have to say.
I want to tell you a little bit about what it's like on a day that The Ex is at the Fire house and we don't have to get ready for school or work.  Mh2 gets up @ 7:00, comes to my room and asks me, "Mommy, can I get up now?"  She then goes and gets the remote and brings it to me so I can show her what button to push to turn the TV on.  I fall back to sleep.  At approximately 7:30am Mh1 wakes up.  How do I know she is up, you ask?  Because I start to hear the shrieks, slaps, and kicks that my girls use to show their love for one another.  This is when I walk to the coffee pot and pray (no lie) that The Ex was kind enough to make coffee for me.  Eight times out 10 it is made.  That's love, especially when he doesn't drink it himself.  I then try to sneak back to the bedroom unnoticed but it never works.  They're like little CIA agents and count my footsteps or something because I can never get under their radar.  They immediately start with the, "Mommy, I'm hungry." (I want to reply, "No sh!t, it has been 12 hours since your last meal") and "Mommy, what are we eating for breakfast?" and "Mommy are we going to the Y today?" and "Mommy, what are we doing today?".  Most times I answer their 50 questions and add that I am going to my room for a little bit.  This gives me time to drink my coffee.  Drinking my coffee in peace and quiet makes me feel a little more confident in my abilities to responsibly parent.  At about 8:00am mh3 starts yelling, "Mommy I'm up!" from her baby cage. 
By 9:00 everyone is fed, and dressed.  I do housework and then they're hungry again.  Why are kids hungry all the time?  Today we left around noon (between 9:00 and noon I screamed at them a million times and thought I lost my mind once or twice).  We went to Kroger.  Some people like to punish themselves by cutting or Trichotillomania (syndrome where one pulls out their own hair) but when I feel the need for self punishment I go Krogering on Sunday with every other person in this end of town, with all three of my kids while they are restocking their shelves.  I bought my groceries while trying not to be "that lady" that you all judge (you know, the one that yells at her kids nonstop).  By the time I am paying, I don't care if I'm "that lady".  I get the monsters home, don't let them get out of the car while I take in the groceries.  Put the cold stuff away, make them all a snack (see!  they eat all the time), and we head to the Y.  I work out for about a half hour (did this workout today- short but HARD), and then we all get back in the car and while I am helping them put their cleats on, they eat ANOTHER SNACK (hungry kids are a no go around here).  We get to Tball at 2:00, where my sweet best friend sees me coming and runs to my rescue.  Her daughter gets mh3 and takes her to the concession stand and Amber helps me carry all my belongings and makes me feel somewhat human again (I love her for stuff like that).  I watch an hour of tball (which I love), then go home and make dinner, clean the kitchen, and bathe 3 dirty bodies.  Put them in bed and sit on the couch realizing how much work I put in. 

There are more posts but I'm sure you've seen enough for now.

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