Thursday, March 17, 2011

32 years

(Oh wait, actually it's 31 years. See, I'm getting so old I can't even remember how old I am.)

I remember when I was a teenager, I wanted a really cool car. I can't remember what kind of car I wanted, but I remember thinking, "I don't want to wait until I can afford it. I want it now because by the time I can afford it, I'll be old." And, the reason that I didn't want it when I was "old" was because I knew I would be old, and it wouldn't matter what I drove because old people don't care. Now that I am "old" -I remember thinking this. I thought that once you got old you didn't care about what you looked like, drove, ect. I guess I thought that once you got a certain age all you did was sit at home and watch TV (Dad, I wonder where I got this idea). So, I knew a "cool car" would have no relevance to me. I must admit I must have been a pretty insightful teenager, because what I thought was true (somewhat). Now that I am a senior citizen, I don't care about having a "cool" car but it's not because I don't want to be cool. It's because I care about other things. I care about less superficial things (don't get me wrong, I still care about the way I look just not in the way that I probably did as a kid). Now I drive a really cool station wagon/mini van. I bet my teenage self is gagging on a credit card and taking it to the mall.

31 years:
1980: born
1981-84: Not many memories except for this crazy red head kid in kindergarten named Regan, girl if you're out there, please look me up. I want to know if you're a genius now or menace to society
1986: Baby Sis born. Lifelong friend.
1988: Dad joined the Navy
1992-1994: Middle school, puberty at it's best. Boys, basketball, and best friends is what I took away from middle school. Dad got out of the Navy, moved in with him
1994-1998: High school, boys, basketball, bestfriends, driver's license, Spring Breaks, Shakespeare, MawMaw passed away, first job
1998-2000: left home for WKU, parties, mixture of independence and dependence
2001: First apartment, met TLB April 27 at the Chow Wagon
2003: Purchased the house I lived in with my Dad from my Dad
2003: Engaged to TLB
2004: Married to TLB
2005: Bought the house we live in now/ Graduated with Bachelor's Degree
2006: MH1, and found/started my career
2007: MH2
2008: Master's Degree
2010: mh3, joined HBC
2011, March 17, 10:13pm, 2 hours until D day, I mean B day...sitting on couch while TLB sleeps in recliner, mini-humans sleep safely in their beds, dog lays on floor, content with life....31 isn't so bad.

1 comment:

  1. You forgot 2012,the end of the Mayan calendar and the world. I am stocking up on pork patties for then.
    Happy Birthday blog-writing-girl. I would have thought you were older. You write older. You should let people know in advance when your bday is coming up so people can send you gifts. If I would have known...
